Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I would do anything for Sleep

If there is one thing that has changed the most with having kids it is Zero sleep. Broken sleep. Half hour at a time sleep. Tonight was the first night in 9 months of my youngest being born that I said to my hubby...Im not feeling so great I am going to go to bed after dinner and I need you to put the girls to sleep.  Easier said than done. Or should I say wishful thinking?!
This is how my evening went....

Baby in bed by 7pm ***Check**
Get my p.js on ***Check***
Hit the pillow by 8pm with no kids ***check***
finally for the 1st time ME in bed by 8pm...Ahhhh Bliss.
8.20pm--hear baby on the monitor (soother fell out), out of bed I go. 
finally fall back asleep by 8:45pm,
then oldest daughter wants to come and sleep with me.
 no problem.
Just be quiet so sick Mama can sleep. She was super hyper....still no sleep for me. I feel like Im going to puke. maybe the flu bug?
An hour later, sleep time!...5 minutes of rest.  Then Hubby starts throwing up in the bathroom. He was hit hard by the flu. Baby wakes up during the bathroom situation. Nooooo. I guess my early night is not going to happen tonight. Downstairs to feed baby. Whatever happened to "me" feeling ill?! It all started with me needing to go to bed early because I was feeling yucky, Who is going to take care of me? Nothing makes me more sick than rocking in a rocking chair. But That's what I do. I am Mom. then It turns out to be Just-one-of-those-night.

Tonight is a true motherhood night. Can you relate?

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